

[RPG] KoDT on Broadway? 

KoDT on Broadway? @ Kenzer and Company

 古参D&DerでDragon誌を読んでいたような人なら知っている漫画Knights of the Dinner Tableですが、どうもブロードウェイの芝居になるらしい。KODTといってもいつも良く有る朗読会というのではなく、本当に芝居らしく、a late Winter or an early Spring 2006に6週間程度、毎週演目を変えて上演されるらしい。
 なんかMonty Pythonがブロードウェイミュージカルであまつさえ賞を取ったと思ったら、今度はKODTかい、とも思う。どうせならDork Tower(MattとGillyの恋とかコメディ劇にし易かろう)とかZogoniaとかもどうか?>ブロードウェイ。


KoDT on Broadway?

For Immediate Release
September 27, 2005

Kenzer & Company has entered into an agreement with theater producers David Levin of Clarence Productions and David Elliot of The Perry Street Theatre in New York to bring the Knights of the Dinner Table (KODT) characters to the live stage! This is not just a live reading of KODT strips. It will be a play with actors portraying the characters.

David Levin is a writer and director of short films and commercials working mostly in comedy and he is the one who came across KODT on a shelf at his local game and comic shop. David Elliot is a theatre producer and director working mostly off-broadway and he is the one who heartily agreed that KODT is one of the funniest damn things he has ever seen. Both Davids have, of course, also been avid gamers since they were kids back in the late 1970’s.

KODT creator Jolly R. Blackburn had this to say on the agreement, “We were working on a deal with the muppets but Kermit was holding out for too much money so it fell through. It’s a shame, I think Piggy would have played a great Sara.”

Knights of the Dinner Table is the longest running gaming comic in history. Coming out every month, it has won numerous awards for outstanding achievement as a periodical and spun off the HackMaster roleplaying game that went on to win the Game of the Year award. It has been translated into French, Spanish, German, Portugese and even Canadian!

The producers are targeting a late Winter or an early Spring 2006 initial run of six weeks in New York City. The plan is to provide a serialized story of about 45 minutes to an hour that will be different each week of the play’s engagement. Look to www.kenzerco.com for more details as they develop. Knights of the Dinner Table and HackMaster are registered trademarks of Kenzer & Company. ? 2005. All Rights Reserved.

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